Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What is marijuana?

Cannabis comes from the dried flower tops, leaves, stems, and seeds of the marijuana Sativa tree.
People have used fiber (hemp), seed oils, seeds, treatments and recreational marijuana for hundreds of years.
There is some evidence that marijuana or some of its components - such as CBD - can be effective in relieving chronic pain, inflammation, nausea, and chronic conditions.
However, CBD is one of at least 120 cannabinoids found in marijuana. People have many health concerns about the use of drugs.

The main component of the marijuana orphanage is 2 Delta-1-tetrahydrocannabinol (to).
THC is the key mind-altering (psychoactive) substance in marijuana. It acts on specific brain receptors, thereby disrupting mood changes, depression, suicidal thoughts, memory, and general learning ability. It can also create dependencies.
The compound is known to arouse hunger (informally known as "munchies") and to induce a soothing state, as well as other effects of smell, hearing and visual perception. THC can also cause fatigue. In some people, THC can reduce aggression.


The effects of the 120-plus cannabis present in marijuana are mostly unknown, but the most potent psychoactive agent identified so far is THC C
When a person smokes cannabis, THC is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, reaching the brain within minutes.
After consuming it, the body absorbs THC more slowly, delays the action up to 2 hours, and prolongs the duration of the effect.
THC and other cannabinoids of cannabis are similar to cannabinoids produced by the body. These natural cannabinoids act as neurotransmitters sending chemical messages to all nerve cells (neurons) in the nervous system.
These neurotransmitters affect the brain regions involved in memory, thinking, concentration, movement, coordination, sensory and time perception, as well as pleasure. Respondents on these cannabinoids also respond to THC, which can alter and disrupt the brain's normal function.
Some studies have shown that THC affects regions of the brain that regulate memory formation and attention.
It disrupts other parts of the brain, adversely affecting balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time. This can make it unsafe for anyone using marijuana to drive, drive heavy machinery, or engage in sports or other potentially dangerous physical activity.
THC also stimulates specific cannabinoid receptors that increase the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure.
People use marijuana to achieve a sense of joy (a high), playfulness, and relaxation. Marijuana also changes sensitive perceptions; The colors are brighter, the music more evident, and the emotions can feel deeper. Some people experience feelings of resentment.
When people consume cannabis for recreation, they may experience the following effects:
Perception changes perception due to slight hallucinogenic effects, which can create a distorted delusion of time and space.
• Moods lead to mood changes, upheaval, feeling of energy or relaxation
The high rate of heart rate
। Reduces blood pressure
Concentrate density and memory air
Reduction of psychomotor adjustment
Abuse is nausea, although some cannabinoids can help reduce nausea
Et increased appetite
• Depending on the length and amount of rapid breathing, some signs of THC may still be present in a person's urine for several months after the last use of cannabis.
The following are examples of some results that suggest or show the negative consequences of consuming cannabis:
• A weakness of Judgment Judgment: A BMJ study found that when a person drives a car within 24 hours of smoking marijuana, they are more likely to crash.
• • Reproductive problems: According to a review of animal studies, cannabis use may reduce sex.
• M Prevention Response: According to a survey, cannabis smoking can eventually suppress the body's immunity, making the user more susceptible to certain types of cancer and infection.
• Such Psychosis: Research on siblings suggests that using marijuana, in the long run, may increase the risk of psychosis in young people.
• • The risk of plague: A study indicates that smoking cannabis increases the risk of developing diseases regardless of whether the user smokes tobacco.
• Brain Reduced Brain Function: Researchers had discovered that regular cannabis users who started before age 15 did not score brain tests because of their competitors who began using cannabis later in life.
• Ute acute memory loss: A British study suggests that smokers (for example, skunk) of potent marijuana types may have a higher risk of developing severe memory loss.
D Changes in human DNA: A British study has found strong evidence that marijuana smoke damages human DNA in a way that users may be more susceptible to cancer.
• Testicular cancer: A review of 27 and a meta-analysis of three previous studies found that frequent or long-term use of cannabis may increase the risk of developing testicular cancer, but more evidence is needed to confirm this.


Like other pain relievers, cannabis can also cause dependence and addiction.
Over time, acute, continuous overestimation of neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors causes changes in the brain that cause marijuana use disorder or addiction.
According to the Drug Institute on National Institute (NIDA), people who start using cannabis at a young age and who are heavy users are more likely to develop marijuana use disorder than some other users.
Withdrawal of marijuana

A sudden withdrawal from marijuana can be uncomfortable but not fatal.
The second day begins after the withdrawal ceases and may continue for several weeks.
Signs of withdrawal include:
• Anxiety
• Distressed
• Insomnia
• Abdominal pain
App hunger is down
Sleep problems can potentially be beyond that time frame.
The full extent of the long-term health risks of chronic marijuana use is currently unknown. There is no way to determine who will develop severe physical, emotional, or other unwanted reactions.
Synthetic marijuana
Drugs that do not have legal status, FDA approval, or both cannot be guaranteed safe.
So-called synthetic marijuana, such as K2 or spice, is not marijuana, although it does contain some of the compounds found in cannabis.
Some people are legitimate in the belief that they may try undesirable and invalid synthetic cannabinoids. It can be dangerous and potentially deadly.


Cannabis and Vervet Products, Needle S Words, Aidan in Staten Legal. It is essential to check your state laws before buying cannabis, marijuana, or their derivatives.

Medical use

Researchers have been looking into the possible benefits of cannabinoids for treating different health conditions.
These include autoimmune disease, inflammation, pain, seizure disorders, psychiatric disorders, and substance use disorders, withdrawal, and dependence.

CBD in medicine

Many researchers are investigating the medicinal potential of cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabinoid found in marijuana that does not have psychoactive effects.
In June 2018, following a lengthy process of research and clinical trials, the FDA approved the use of CBD for the treatment of two rare and severe types of epilepsy that do not respond well to other therapies. The drug is called epistolar and is a drug derived from cannabis. It is refined cannabidiol that does not contain THC.
Some people believe that CBD can relieve the pain and inflammation that occurs with fibromyalgia and arthritis, for example, and possibly to cure anxiety and addiction.

THC in medication

Some studies have proven that THC shows some promise for the treatment of nausea and vomiting, but its adverse effects may limit its use.
It may have antiemetic properties that make it helpful for people undergoing chemotherapy or other treatments where nausea can be a side effect.
THC can also relieve pain, inflammation, nausea, and muscle control problems. However, no drugs have been approved for these diseases so far, and further evidence is required to confirm their safety. And effectiveness.
Some clinical trials have shown that THC has a mild to moderate pain-relieving effect and may be useful for the treatment of headache pain.
Studies show that the use of certain types of cannabis has definite benefits, and the FDA will likely allow more types of marijuana to be applied over time.
In addition to Epidiolex, three other drugs have been approved by the FDA: Marinol, Syndros, and Sismet. These drugs contain synthetic substances similar to THC. These are alternatives to treating some types of anorexia.
Other researchers are looking at the possibility of extracting cannabis to target cancer cells, in addition to radiation therapy.
The results of a study published in July 2018 found no evidence that cannabis use could reduce pain or reduce the need for opioids in cancer-related pain. However, cannabis use was mostly illegal and did not focus on specific cannabis use.

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